Best Gel Cream Moisturisers for Oily & Combination Skin

People with oily and combination skin can find heavier cream moisturisers too thick for their skin type. If creams are too heavy, they may clog up your pores and cause more breakouts. However, it is still very important for oily skin types to lock in hydration – if you don’t…

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My Experience With Base Plus Personalised Skincare

The world of skincare can be a confusing place. Unless you’ve educated yourself a lot about ingredients and the way they work for your skin, it can be quite overwhelming to pick out products that can really benefit you. Not only do you need to work out what ingredients your…

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My Moisturiser Collection | Recommendations and Reviews

Moisturising is undoubtedly one of the most important parts of the skincare routine. If you have dry skin, moisturising helps to soothe and smooth skin, while oily-skinned people need moisturiser to stop their skin overcompensating with oil. My (potentially unpopular) skincare opinion is that people spend far too much money…

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What is the Right Order to Apply Skincare?

While skincare can be a very complex world that requires a lot of research, trial and error, perhaps one of the most confusing aspects is working out the right order to apply your skincare products. When faced with a shelf full of products from serums to sprays, it can seem…

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Best Lush Products For Oily Skin

On the hunt for an affordable, cruelty-free and amazing-smelling skincare routine to banish oily skin? Lush is 100% the way to go! Although I cannot deny I’m a bit of a Lush fanatic regardless, it is without doubt that their products have saved my skin. To me, their products shine…

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